By email -

Write to us at PAG@GMAIL.COM with your data and as soon as possible we will contact you to provide advice and accompany you in the process of your purchase.

By phone -

You can make your purchase by calling 347.636.4674 USA Mondaythrough Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm EST

Orders within the US, Canada and Puerto Rico.

If the final destination of the order is within the US, Canada or Puerto Rico, you can process your order online and the system will also settle the value of the corresponding shipment, we make the shipments through Fedex.

1.2 Orders outside the US

You must have a carrier that is responsible for taking the merchandise to your country, if you do not already have it, please request that one of our Sales Representatives contact youto provide advice on the matter.

The website will settle the value of the shipment from our warehouse in New York to your carrier within the US.
When you are registering your order, enter as the place of delivery the address of your carrier within the US and in the billing fields your own information, including the country of destination.

If you pay using credit card or Paypal, remember to complete your order like this: Delivery address (the data of your carrier in the US) and in the billing address, your own data in the destination country, which must match your card credit or with the billing information of your paypal account.